OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration Core (OSLC Core) TC
Defining essential technical elements of OSLC specifications and offering guidance on common concerns for creating, updating, retrieving, and linking to lifecycle resources based on W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP)
The Technical Committee was closed by TC Administration on 23 August 2019 and is no longer active. The work of the TC has migrated to the OSLC OASIS Open Project.The archives of the TC's work remains publicly accessible and are linked from this page. OASIS appreciates the efforts of all those who participated in this TC and encourages all interested parties to join in the work of the Open Project.
Table of Contents
- Announcements
- Overview
- Subcommittees
- TC Liaisons
- TC Tools and Approved Publications
- Technical Work Produced by the Committee
- Expository Work Produced by the Committee
- External Resources
- Mailing Lists and Comments
- Press and Commentary
- Additional Information
Tweet #OSLC
23 August 2019: The work of the OSLC Core Technical Committee has successfully transitioned to the OASIS OSLC Open Project. For information about the work of the OASIS OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) Open Project, see the project's website at https://open-services.net/. Project work is underway on GitHub at https://github.com/oslc-op.
OSLC Core was named as a 2014 Open Standards Cup Finalist in the Outstanding New Technical Committee category. Congratulations!
Participation in the OASIS OSLC Core TC is open to all interested parties. Contact join@oasis-open.org for more information.
The OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) initiative supports integration between a heterogeneous set of products and components from various sources using an architecture that is minimalist, loosely coupled, and standardized. OSLC applies World Wide Web and Linked Data principles, such as those defined in the W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP), to create a cohesive set of specifications that can enable products, services and other distributed network resources to interoperate successfully. The OSLC Core TC is responsible for specifications that expand W3C LDP concepts, as needed, to enable integration.
OSLC is motivated by domain scenarios such as change management, configuration management, embedded systems, requirements management, performance monitoring, quality management, estimation and measurement, asset management, automation, reporting, and reconciliation. Equally, it supports core enterprise integrations exemplified by cross-domain scenarios such as Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and Integrated Service Management (ISM). Each domain and cross-domain area may have its own technical committee or working groups and/or specifications.
This TC is part of the OASIS OSLC Member Section. For more information on the OSLC Core TC, see the TC Charter.
No subcommittees have been formed for this TC.
No TC Liaisons have been announced for this TC.
TC Tools and Approved Publications
- TC GitHub. This GitHub repository replaces use of previous TC tools.
- TC Wiki
- Version Control (SVN)
Technical Work Produced by the Committee
The TC approved OSLC Core Version 3.0 as a Committee Specification on April 04, 2017. See http://docs.oasis-open.org/oslc-core/oslc-core/v3.0/cs01/part1-overview/oslc-core-v3.0-cs01-part1-overview.html.
Expository Work Produced by the Committee
There are no approved expository work products for this TC yet.
External resources have not yet been identified.
oslc-core: the discussion list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership is required to post, and TC members are automatically subscribed. The public may view the list archives.
oslc-core-comment: a public mailing list for providing feedback on the technical work of the OASIS OSLC Core TC. Send a comment or view the comment list archives.
- OASIS Forms OSLC Core Technical Committee to Develop Standards for Lifecycle Integration, 12 Dec 2013
Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.