UBL Liaison SC

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The Subcommittee was closed by OASIS TC Administration on 21 February 2020 and is no longer active.

Archives of its work remain publicly accessible and are linked from this page. OASIS appreciates the efforts of all those who participated in this committee.

This web page describes the Liaison Subcommittee that functioned from November 2001 through May 2004 to provide input to UBL 1.0. The description below has been maintained as an historical artifact relating to UBL 1.0 development, but the subcommittee is no longer active. Effective 1 June 2004, liaisons to UBL report directly to the UBL TC.

Organizations interested in establishing a liaison relationship with UBL should contact the chair of the UBL TC, Jon Bosak (jon.bosak@sun.com).

For current information about UBL, please refer to the UBL TC page at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ubl.

Description of the OASIS UBL Liaison Subcommittee (in operation 2001-2004)

UBL is an OASIS initiative intended to standardize the XML representation of basic business documents across many industries. Ensuring that UBL can properly meet general requirements across this range of industries requires that business experts from many domains review the schemas as they are being developed. UBL depends chiefly on established data exchange standards organizations to provide the expert input needed to ensure that UBL will meet industry requirements. The OASIS UBL Liaison Subcommittee is where representatives of these organizations meet to coordinate the review of standard XML business schemas as the specifications become publicly available from the UBL Library Content Subcommittee and the UBL Naming and Design Rules Subcommittee.

The UBL Liaison Subcommittee maintains an event calendar (visible only to members) and meets regularly to schedule reviews by the technical committees in each organization that are responsible for the development of industry-specific XML schemas.

Recognized organizations wishing to establish liaison relationships with UBL should contact the chair of the Liaison Subcommittee, Jon Bosak (jon.bosak@sun.com).

About the UBL Liaisons

Industry data exchange standards organizations that have appointed liaisons to UBL include ACORD (insurance), ARTS (retail sales), ebXML Asia Committee (ebXML), e.centre (EAN.UCC), EIDX (electronics), HL7 (health care), the Information Technology Standards Committee of Singapore, NACS (convenience stores), the Open Applications Group (OAGI), RosettaNet, SWIFT (banking), UIG (utilities), VCA (prescription eyewear), UN/CEFACT ATG, UN/CEFACT TBG, ASC X12, XBRL (accounting), the OASIS e-Government TC, and the OASIS CIQ TC.

ACORD (www.acord.org)

ACORD (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development) is a global, nonprofit insurance association whose mission is to facilitate the development and use of standards for the insurance, reinsurance, and related financial services industries. With offices in Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States, ACORD accomplishes its mission by remaining an objective, independent advocate for sharing information among diverse platforms. Affiliated with ACORD are hundreds of insurance and reinsurance companies and thousands of agents and brokers, related financial services organizations, software providers, and industry organizations worldwide.

ARTS (www.nrf-arts.org)

The Association for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS), a division of the National Retail Federation (NRF), is dedicated to the creation of an international, barrier-free technology environment for retailers. The National Retail Federation (NRF) is the world's largest retail trade association, with membership that comprises all retail formats and channels of distribution, including department, specialty, discount, catalog, Internet, and independent stores. NRF members represent an industry that encompasses more than 1.4 million U.S. retail establishments with aggregate annual sales of more than $3.4 trillion. NRF's international members operate stores in more than 50 nations. In its role as the retail industry's umbrella group, NRF also represents 32 national and 50 state associations in the U.S. as well as 36 international associations representing retailers abroad.

ebXML Asia Committee (www.ebxml.or.kr/english_ebxml.html)

The ebXML Asia Committee was established by ECOM (Japan), KIEC (Korea), and TCA (Taiwan) in December of 2000 in order to promote ebXML in the Asia region. It now has 21 member organizations from Asia/Pacific, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Pakistan, Australia and eASEAN as the liaison member.

e.centre (www.e-centre.org.uk)

e.centre is an independent, not-for-profit association providing guidance and support for its 16,000+ members on supply chain efficiency through the use of the EAN.UCC System for bar coding and business-to-business communications such as EDI (electronic data interchange). e.centre is the UK authority for the EAN.UCC System, which is used in 129 countries worldwide and forms the basis of interoperable solutions such as asset tracking, traceability and collaborative planning.

EIDX (www.eidx.org)

The Electronics Industry Data Exchange Association (EIDX) is a section of the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) that represents the majority of companies in the electronics industry. EIDX researches and develops information exchange methodologies for the electronics industry and develops and publishes business models and standards implementation guidelines that represent current and emerging practices.

HL7 (www.HL7.org)

Founded in 1987, Health Level Seven, Inc. is a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited Standards Development Organization (SDO) dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services. In addition to its widely used messaging standards, HL7 published, in 2000, the first XML-based health care standard, the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), a framework for clinical document exchange. Other HL7 publications include the Clinical Context Management Specification (CCOW), a standard enabling visual integration at the front-end, and The Arden Syntax, an ANSI-approved standard for representing and sharing medical knowledge for clinical decision support. HL7 has established international affiliates in 20 countries around the globe, and its 2,200 members represent over 500 corporations, including 90 percent of the largest information systems vendors serving health care.

Information Technology Standards Committee of Singapore (www.itsc.org.sg/)

The ITSC promotes and facilitates national Infocomm standardisation programmes and the participation of Singapore in international Infocomm standardisation activities. ITSC fulfils its role by appointing the various technical committees and work groups to develop and/or recommend the adoption of standards as Singapore Standards. The participation in local and international standardisation efforts is also done through appointed technical committees and working groups. There are at present some 250 technical experts and representatives from 180 organisations engaging in ITSC's standardisation activities.

NACS (www.cstorecentral.com/)

NACS is an international trade association representing 2,300 retail and 1,700 supplier company members. NACS member companies do business in nearly 40 countries around the world, with the majority of members based in the United States. The U.S. convenience store industry, with over 124,500 stores across the country, posted $283 billion in total sales for 2001, with $171 billion in motor fuel sales.

Open Applications Group (www.openapplications.org/)

OAG is a not-for-profit industry consortium focused on the development of best practices and process-based XML content for eBusiness and Application Integration. Its mission is to define and encourage the adoption of a unifying standard for eBusiness and Application Software interoperability that reduces customer cost and time to deploy solutions. The common model established by OAG enables the user community to adopt a single interfacing approach for all applications supported rather than separate ones for each vendor they implement. OAG provides a forum in which customers, application vendors, technology vendors, and systems integrators can discuss their needs and issues and be heard as a unified voice. The OAG common model enables a single mapping strategy for all multi-vendor implementations in the enterprise, making support and maintenance easier as technologies change.

RosettaNet (www.rosettanet.org)

RosettaNet is an independent, self-funded, non-profit consortium dedicated to the development and deployment of standard electronic business interfaces to align the processes between supply chain partners on a global basis. More than 250 companies representing more than $1 trillion in annual information technology and electronic components revenues, currently participate in RosettaNet's standards development, strategy, and implementation activities.

SWIFT (www.swift.com/)

SWIFT is the industry-owned cooperative supplying secure messaging services and interface software to 7,000 financial institutions in 197 countries. SWIFT carried over 1.5 billion messages in 2001. The average daily value of payment messages on SWIFT is estimated to be above USD 6 trillion. SWIFT provides messaging services to banks, broker/dealers and investment managers, as well as to market infrastructures in payments, treasury, securities and trade. These services help customers reduce costs, improve automation and manage risk. SWIFT is also leading convergence initiatives in the finance industry, collaborating with over 30 different organisations involved in financial standards.

UIG (www.uig.org/)

The Utility Industry Group Inc. (UIG) is a standards organization and an industry action group working in the interest of the utility industry, including distribution companies, energy suppliers, service providers, their customers, supply chain participants and other interested parties. The UIG is dedicated to improving methods of exchanging business information by providing industry specific standards for electronic commerce, utilizing EDI, XML, and / or other electronic business technologies / communication methods.

VCA (www.visionsite.org)

Vision Council of America is the U.S. prescription eyewear trade association representing 2,000 supplier companies and 80 leading manufacturers. VCA member companies do business in more than 40 countries around the world. The U.S. eyewear industry, with over 30,000 stores across the country, posted sales of $15 billion for 2001.

UN/CEFACT TBG (webster.disa.org/cefact-groups/tbg/index.cfm)

The UN/CEFACT International Trade and Business Processes Group (TBG) is responsible for publication of recommendations and best practices related to international trade facilitation, specification of common business processes and reference models, harmonization of cross-industry business processes, and documentation of business requirements for UN/CEFACT (www.uncefact.org), the United Nations body whose mandate covers worldwide policy and technical development in the area of trade facilitation and electronic business.

UN/CEFACT ATG (webster.disa.org/cefact-groups/atg/index.cfm)

The UN/CEFACT Applied Technologies Group is responsible for the creation and maintenance of syntax-specific solutions based on identified business and/or technical requirements from the empowered groups of UN/CEFACT.

X12 COTG (www.x12.org)

The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12, accredited by the American National Standards Institute and comprised of cross-industry representation, develops robust e-business exchange specifications and electronic data interchange standards that interact with a multitude of e-commerce technologies. Through standards setting and active participation in emerging and technically relevant initiatives, ASC X12 facilitates the effective exchange of electronic information. Propelling global e-business, ASC X12 serves as the entry point for the United States into the United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT), an international standard relating to the exchange of trade goods and services.

XBRL (www.xbrl.org)

XBRL is an international consortium comprising accounting standards bodies, accounting firms, technology companies, financial information providers, corporations, and government regulatory bodies. The XBRL standard is freely licensed and permits the automatic exchange and reliable extraction of financial information across all software formats and technologies, including the Internet. XBRL does not require a company to disclose any additional information beyond that which they normally disclose under existing accounting standards, nor does it require a change to existing accounting standards.

OASIS (www.oasis-open.org)

OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a not-for-profit, global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business standards. Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using a lightweight, open process expressly designed to promote industry consensus and unite disparate efforts. OASIS produces worldwide standards for security, Web services, XML conformance, business transactions, electronic publishing, topic maps and interoperability within and between marketplaces.

OASIS has more than 400 corporate and individual members in 100 countries around the world. OASIS is the home of ebXML, a global framework for e-business data exchange developed in cooperation with UN/CEFACT. OASIS operates XML.org, a community clearinghouse for XML application schemas, vocabularies and related documents. OASIS hosts The XML Cover Pages, an online reference collection for interoperable markup language standards.

The OASIS e-Government TC (oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=egov) provides a forum for governments internationally to voice their needs and requirements with respect to XML-based standards which can be handed off to relevant OASIS TCs. The eGov TC also provides a mechanism for the creation of best practice documents and promotes the adoption of OASIS specs/standards within governments.

The OASIS Customer Information Quality (CIQ) TC (oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ciq) develops XML standards for customer profile/information management.

Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.