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CACAO Logo - Color Ballot

Ballot for deciding suitable colors for the CACAO logo

The current options proposed and designed by Kamer Vishi are:

1) Brown background with white letters - Option 1
2) Green background with brown/white letters - Option 2
3) Dark blue background with magenta/white letters - Option 3
4) Purple background with orange/white letters - Option 4

You can find all of the above here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GN0YuCZ1eablpNRlDiozm92VTfFGb66C/view?usp=sharing

Extra options proposed:

5) Brown background with yellow/orange letters - Option 5 (Frans Schippers)

6) White background with magenta/orange letters - Option 6 (Vasileios Mavroeidis)

Option 5 can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1szE5DLreTBminQMs6aM5TWpv6rowrP7w/view?usp=sharing

Voters can select up to 2 options

We will discuss the results in the TC meeting on 1 October 2019

 [ ]  Brown background with white letters
 [ ]  Green background with brown/white letters
 [ ]  Dark-blue background with magenta/white letters
 [ ]  Purple background with orange/white letters
 [ ]  Brown background with yellow/orange letters
 [ ]  White background with magenta/orange letters
Opening:   Thursday, 26 September 2019 @ 06:00 am EDT
Closing:   Monday, 30 September 2019 @ 11:59 pm EDT
Group:   OASIS Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) for Cyber Security TC
Ballot has closed.

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Voting Details

Voting Summary

Options with highest number of votes are bold

Option # Votes % of Total
Brown background with white letters 5 20%
Green background with brown/white letters 2 8%
Dark-blue background with magenta/white letters 4 16%
Purple background with orange/white letters 7 28%
Brown background with yellow/orange letters 4 16%
White background with magenta/orange letters 3 12%
Eligible members who have voted: 15 of 70 21%
Eligible members who have abstained: 0 of 70 0%
Eligible members who have not voted: 55 of 70 79%