OpenC2 Actuator Profile Subcommittee

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Defining actuator profiles, the OpenC2 message elements applicable to specific cyber defense functions.


The OpenC2 Actuator Profile Subcommittee operated from the TC’s founding in June 2017 through its charter revision in March 2021. Following the charter revision, subcommittee operations were suspended and a consolidated working meeting process adopted to manage the development of the TC’s work products. The information on these subcommittee pages is retained for historical purposes.

Statement of Purpose

The Actuator Profile Subcommittee is responsible for creating and maintaining actuator profiles which define the OpenC2 message elements applicable to specific cyber defense functions. The OpenC2 language description is intended to be relatively stable as technology and product capabilities evolve. Profiles are intended both to segment the function space so that developers need not be concerned with message elements that do not apply to a specific actuator function, and to define the message elements needed to accommodate new functions. A profile will define the actions, targets, actuator specifiers, and modifiers that are mandatory to implement in order to claim conformance with the profile, as well as optional elements that are meaningful in the context of the profile.

All interested parties are welcome to participate in evolving OpenC2 as members of the Actuator Profile Subcommittee.

List of Deliverables

  • A template for actuator profiles
  • A list of actuator profiles and their status (planned, in-progress, complete)
  • Draft and completed actuator profile documents

  • Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.