OASIS Lightweight Verifiable Credential Schema and Process (LVCSP) TC

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Defining a lightweight identity credential schema, based on the W3C Verifiable Credential (VC) standard, to enable individuals (VC subjects) to share their verified identity attestations across different platforms and services.

Spencer Yezo, spencer.yezo@hypr.com, Chair
Alan Bachmann, AABachmann@cvshealth.com, Chair
Abbie Barbir, BarbirA@cvshealth.com, Secretary

Table of Contents


The press release announcing the launch of the LVCSP TC is available now. You can read it here

The inaugural meeting of the LVCSP TC was held on June 8, 2023. Details of the event can be found here

Participation in the TC is open to all interested parties. Contact join@oasis-open.org for more information.


The LVCSP TC aims to define a lightweight identity credential schema, based on the W3C Verifiable Credential (VC) standard, to enable individuals (VC subjects) to share their verified identity attestations across different platforms and services. Any entity involved in issuing or consuming verifiable credentials referring to a defined business process will benefit from this work.

For more information, see the LVCSP TC Charter.

Mailing Lists and Comments

lvcsp: the discussion list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership is required to post, and TC members are automatically subscribed. The public may view the OASIS list archives.

lvcsp-comment: a public mailing list for providing feedback on the technical work of the LVCSP TC. To send a comment, follow these instructions. View the OASIS comment list archives.

Press Coverage and Commentary

The press release announcing the launch of the LVCSP TC is available now. You can read it here

Developing a more secure digital identity ecosystem using verifiable credentials, Biometric Update, 8 May 2023.

Additional Information

Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.