OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC
Developing an XML-based file format specification for office applications
Svante Schubert, Chair
Patrick Durusau, patrick@durusau.net, Chair
Francis Cave, francis@franciscave.com, Secretary
Table of Contents
- Announcements
- Overview
- Subcommittees
- TC Liaisons
- TC Tools and Approved Publications
- Technical Work Produced by the Committee
- External Resources
- Mailing Lists and Comments
- Additional Information
- 16 June 2021 ODF Version 1.3 OASIS Standard is now published and available
- 12 February 2021 ODF Version 1.3 enters 60-day public review preceding call for consent as OASIS Standard.
- 04 December 2020 ODF Version 1.3 is approved as Committee Specification 02
- 25 December 2019 ODF Version 1.3 is approved as an OASIS Committee Specification
- 19 June 2015 ODF 1.2 has been published as an ISO standard
- 11 January 2012 ODF 1.2 has been published
- 29 September 2011 ODF 1.2 has been approved as an OASIS Standard. Also, the press release.
- 22 September 2011 The ODF 1.2 Candidate OASIS Standard has been submitted for balloting to approve as an OASIS Standard
- 26 March 2011 The ODF TC has approved OpenDocument v1.2 as a Committee Specification
- 01 December 2010 The ODF TC has voted to create a new subcommittee to look at advanced document collaboration. Interested parties are invited to join this new effort.
The OpenDocument Format (ODF) is an open XML-based document file format for office applications to be used for documents containing text, spreadsheets, charts, and graphical elements. The file format makes transformations to other formats simple by leveraging and reusing existing standards wherever possible. As an open standard under the stewardship of OASIS, OpenDocument also creates the possibility for new types of applications and solutions to be developed other than traditional office productivity applications.
For more information, see the TC Charter and FAQ
The OpenDocument TC works closely together with the OASIS ODF Adoption Technical Committee which provide expertise and resources to educate the marketplace on the value of the OpenDocument OASIS Standard.
- OpenDocument - Accessibility
- OpenDocument - Formula
- OpenDocument - Metadata
- OpenDocument - Requirements
- OpenDocument - Advanced Document Collaboration
TC Tools and Approved Publications
- OASIS Library for Approved Publications
- TC Wiki
- Issues Management (JIRA)
- Version Control (GitHub)
- Version Control (SVN)
- WebConf Meeting Management
Technical Work Produced by the Committee
Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3 OASIS Standard was approved by the members of OASIS on 27 April 2021. See the announcement at https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/06/16/opendocument-v1-3-oasis-standard-published/
Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3 Committee Specification 02 was approved by the TC on 30 October 2020. See the announcement at https://www.oasis-open.org/2020/12/04/open-document-format-for-office-applications-opendocument-v1-3-from-the-opendocument-tc-approved-as-a-committee-specification/
Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3 Committee Specification 01 was approved by the TC on 25 December 2019. See the announcement at https://www.oasis-open.org/news/announcements/open-document-format-for-office-applications-opendocument-v1-3-from-the-opendocum
Open Document Format v1.0 was approved as an OASIS Standard on 1 May 2005. It is available in PDF and in OpenOffice.org XML formats.
Open Document Format v1.0 Approved Errata 01 was approved by the ODF TC on 24 November 2008 and is available for download in ODF, PDF and HTML formats.
Open Document Format v1.0 Approved Errata 02 was approved by the ODF TC on 20 September 2010 and is available for download in ODF, PDF and HTML formats.
Open Document Format v1.0 (Second Edition) specification was approved as a Committee Specification on 19 July 2006. It is available in OpenDocument and in PDF formats.
Open Document Format v1.0 has been approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 as an International Standard ISO/IEC 26300:2006.
The specification defines three Relax-NG schemas:
- The schema for office documents (defined in chapters 1 to 16),
- the normative schema for the manifest file used by the OpenDocument package format (defined in chapter 17), and
- the strict schema for office documents that permits only meta information and formatting properties contained in this specification itself (defined in appendix A).
These three schemas are also available separately:
- OpenDocument v1.0 Relax-NG Schema (extracted from chapter 1 to 16 of the specification)
- OpenDocument v1.0 Manifest Relax-NG Schema (extracted from chapter 17 of the specification)
- OpenDocument v1.0 Strict Relax-NG Schema (extracted from appendix A of the specification)
Open Document Format v1.1 was approved as an OASIS Standard on 2 February 2007. It is available in OpenDocument, PDF and XHTML (zipped) formats.
The three schemas defined by the Open Document Format v1.1 specification are also available separately:
- OpenDocument v1.1 Relax-NG Schema (extracted from chapter 1 to 16 of the specification)
- OpenDocument v1.1 Manifest Relax-NG Schema (extracted from chapter 17 of the specification)
- OpenDocument v1.1 Strict Relax-NG Schema (extracted from appendix A of the specification)
Open Document Format v1.1 has been approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 as an Amendment to International Standard ISO/IEC 26300:2006 - see ISO/IEC 26300:2006/Amd 1:2012
Open Document Format v1.1 Approved Errata 01 was approved by the ODF TC on 11 July 2013 and is available for download in ODF, PDF and HTML formats.
Open Document Format v1.2 was approved as a OASIS Standard on 29 September 2011
Available documents:
- Open Document Format v1.2 (ODF (authoritative), PDF, HTML)
This specification has the following sub parts:
- Open Format Document v1.2, Part 1 OpenDocument Schema (ODF (authoritative), PDF, HTML)
- Open Document Format v1.2, Part 2 Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format (ODF (authoritative), PDF, HTML)
- Open Document Format v1.2, Part 3 Packages (ODF (authoritative), PDF, HTML)
- Open Document Format v1.2, Relax NG Schema
- Open Format Document v1.2, Manifest Schema
- Open Document Format v1.2, Digital Signature Schema
- Open Document Format v1.2, Metadata Manifest Ontology
- Open Document Format v1.2, Package Metadata Manifest Ontology
Open Document Format v1.2 has been approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 as a three-part International Standard:
- ISO/IEC 26300-1:2015 Part 1: OpenDocument Schema
- ISO/IEC 26300-2:2015 Part 2: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format
- ISO/IEC 26300-3:2015 Part 3: Packages
This specificaction is part of the publicly available standards at ISO.
Accessibility Evaluation of the OpenDocument v1.0 specification The ODF Access Requirements report has been created by the Accessibility Subcommittee and has been approved by the OpenDocument TC. Open Document Format v1.1 Accessibility Guidelines Version 1.0 The Open Document Format v1.1 Accessibility Guidelines Version 1.0 have been created by the Accessibility Subcommittee and after public review have been approved by the OpenDocument TC as a Committee Specification. They are available in OpenDocument, PDF and HTML formats. OpenDocument Metadata Use Cases and Requirements Document The Metadata Use Cases and Requirements document has been created by the Metadata Subcommittee and has been approved by the OpenDocument TC. It is available in OpenDocument and PDF formats. Wiki for the OASIS OpenDocument TC member collaboration Although not produced by the OASIS OpenDocument TC, the following information offers useful insights into its work. OpenDocument XML.org is a community-driven site hosted by OASIS that provides reliable background information on the standard. The site also serves as a community bulletin board and directory where readers post news, ideas, opinions, and recommendations. It incorporates wiki functionality to let users edit and add new pages to the site. The public is encouraged to contribute content. office: the list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership required to post. TC members are automatically subscribed; the public may view archives. office-comment: a public mail list for providing input to the OASIS office Technical Committee members. Send a comment or view archives. opendocument-users: an unmoderated, public mail list that provides an open forum for developers to exchange ideas and information on implementing the office OASIS Standard. Subscribe or view archives.* *To minimize spam, you must subscribe to this list before posting. Standing Rules The TC has approved the following standing rule on 28 February 2011:
[1] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=41285
The TC has approved the following standing rule on 12 October 2009
In accordance with OASIS Technical Committee Process 2.13, the OASIS ODF TC will allow motions to open electronic ballots to be made, seconded and discussed on the TC's mailing list
Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.