OASIS Biometric Services (BIOSERV) TC

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Developing open standards that facilitate the use of biometrics and biometric operations over a service-oriented architecture


The Technical Committee was closed by OASIS TC Administration on 25 January 2019 and is no longer active.

Archives of its work remain publicly accessible and are linked from this page. OASIS appreciates the efforts of all those who participated in this TC.

Table of Contents


Biometric Identity Assurance Services (BIAS) SOAP Profile Version 2.0 Committee Specification 01 and WS-Biometric Devices Version 1.0 Committee Specification 01 are now published and freely available.

The first meeting of the OASIS Biometric Services (BIOSERV) Technical Committee was held via teleconference on 08 July 2015. Kevin Mangold of NIST was elected TC Chair.

Participation in the OASIS BIOSERV TC is open to all interested parties. Contact join@oasis-open.org for more information.


The OASIS BIOSERV TC is chartered to define, enhance, and maintain open standards that facilitate the use of biometrics and biometric operations over a service-oriented architecture, such as web services. TC members recognize that opportunities remain for improving interoperability among biometric-related systems or system components. For example, improving interoperability is a key enabler for making biometrics more viable within multi-factor authentication. Specifications developed by the TC will help bring parity to biometrics as compared to other technologies, such as cryptographic certificate use and management, where web services standards are markedly more mature.

For more information on the OASIS BIOSERV TC, see the TC Charter.


No subcommittees have been formed for this TC.

TC Liaisons

No TC Liaisons have been announced for this TC.

TC Tools and Approved Publications

Links for tools/publications have not yet been activated.

Technical Work Produced by the Committee

Biometric Identity Assurance Services (BIAS) SOAP Profile Version 2.0 Committee Specification 01, approved 11 July 2017, is available at http://docs.oasis-open.org/bioserv/BIAS/v2.0/cs01/BIAS-v2.0-cs01.html.

WS-Biometric Devices Version 1.0 Committee Specification 01, approved 11 July 2017, is available at http://docs.oasis-open.org/bioserv/WSBD/v1.0/cs01/WSBD-v1.0-cs01.html.

Expository Work Produced by the Committee

There are no approved expository work products for this TC yet.

External Resources

Although not produced by the OASIS BIOSERV TC, the following information offers useful insights into its work.

External resources have not yet been identified.

Mailing Lists and Comments

bioserv: the discussion list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership is required to post, and TC members are automatically subscribed. The public may view the OASIS list archives, also mirrored by MarkLogic at MarkMail.org.

bioserv-comment: a public mailing list for providing feedback on the technical work of the OASIS BIOSERV TC. Send a comment or view the OASIS comment list archives, also mirrored by MarkLogic at MarkMail.org.

Press Coverage and Commentary

Additional Information

Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.