OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC
Enhancing the portability and operational management of cloud and other types of applications and services across their entire lifecycle
Chris Lauwers, lauwers@ubicity.com, Chair
Damian Tamburri, d.a.tamburri@tue.nl, Secretary
Table of Contents
- TOSCA News and LinkedIN Group
- TOSCA Wiki and Other Resources
- Plans for TOSCA in 2018 and Beyond
- Overview
- OASIS TC Open Repositories Sponsored by the Committee
- Earlier Technical Work Produced by the Committee
- Subcommittees
- TC Liaisons
- TC Tools and Approved Publications
- Mailing List and Comments
- Awards
- Additional Information
Join the TOSCA LinkedIN Group for the latest news and announcements from our growing eco-system and community!
- The TOSCA TC announces a new Implementation Series. Free and open to the community.
- 2020-02-26: TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.3 approved as an OASIS Standard. Full announcement here.
- 2019-01-18: TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.2 approved as an OASIS Standard! Full announcement here.
- 2018-02-07: TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML v1.1 Standard published
- The TOSCA TC Wiki with informal, incomplete lists of known implementations, academic papers, etc. No endorsements are made.
- OASIS TOSCA YouTube Video Playlist
The most successful standards are developed transparently and with clear, well-developed aspirational goals. In that spirit, the TOSCA Technical Committee (TC) provides this update and statement of aspirations, while making it clear that this statement undoubtedly will change over time. The TOSCA TC has made great progress over the past couple of years. Versions 1.1 and 1.2 of the Simple Profile in YAML specification were completed in 2017. These releases introduced significant new features including:
- Abstract Base Types
- Custom Workflows and Lifecycle Events
- Substitution mapping properties expanded
- Artifact processing directives
- Policy triggers for event-condition-action
- Target node filtering (abstract, concrete) to facilitate orchestrator implementation
- Engage with commercial/OSS runtime developers to drive evolution of consistent orchestration tooling; clarify semantics and expected behavior
- Grow membership across industry/academic communities
- Expand domains of applicability by fostering development of new profiles (NFV, IoT, etc.)
- Align standard base types/models with Cloud-Native standards and best practices
- Clarify integration with existing deployment and lifecycle management tooling; enabling straightforward adaptation to development and CI environments and toolchains
- Refactor language specification by separating Grammar, Concepts, and Examples
- Organize across distinct application domains in order to illustrate key concepts and patterns
- Verify consistency between core language and existing domain-specific profiles
- Develop prescriptive guidelines for development of runtime orchestrators, including required/optional behavior and best practices for interoperability and portability
- Expand the current test assertions into a comprehensive test suite, in sync with current profile release, whose assertions are keyed to specification elements in order to ease comparison across implementations
- Maintain alignments with relevant SDOs and open source projects, identifying active users of each TOSCA version and profile
- Formalize delivery and review of domain-specific profiles, providing an open registry to ensure that they are discoverable and readily accessible
- Investigate/facilitate contribution of "reference implementation" orchestration tools
- Continue evaluating cross-orchestrator portability via published case studies and events or plugfests (perhaps shared with other groups) that leverage OASIS marketing tools
- Transparent self-certification process, based on social-coding tools for easy publication and open access to conformance test results
The OASIS TOSCA TC works to enhance the portability of cloud applications and services across their entire lifecycle. TOSCA will enable the interoperable description of application and infrastructure cloud services, the relationships between parts of the service, and the operational behavior of these services (e.g., deploy, patch, shutdown)--independent of the supplier creating the service, and any particular cloud provider or hosting technology. TOSCA will also make it possible for higher-level operational behavior to be associated with cloud infrastructure management.
By increasing service and application portability in a vendor-neutral ecosystem, TOSCA will enable:
- Portable deployment to any compliant cloud
- Smoother migration of existing applications to the cloud
- Flexible bursting (consumer choice)
- Dynamic, multi-cloud provider applications
For more information, see the TC Charter.
OASIS Open TC Repositories Sponsored by the Committee
- tosca-test-assertions: Manages TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML templates and definitions that can be used to test TOSCA compliance using metadata (primarily the OASIS Test Assertion Markup Language) that describes the test and the expected behavior of the TOSCA tool or orchestrator
Older Technical Work Produced by the Committee
IMPORTANT: See also the Latest Announcements and Technical Milestones produced by the TOSCA Technical Committee.
November 2013: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) Version 1.0 is now an OASIS Standard. The Standard is available in PDF (authoritative), HTML, and editable source formats. The complete specification including the schema can also be downloaded in this ZIP file
2013 February: A non-normative Primer for TOSCA Version 1.0.
The following subcommittee is active.
TC liaison to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC38 WG3 - Mike Edwards
TC liaison to ETSI NFV - Shitao Li
TC Tools and Approved Publications
- OASIS Library for Approved Publications
- TC Wiki
- tosca-specs - Contains drafts of the TOSCA TC’s specifications and committee notes.
- Issues Management (JIRA)
tosca: the list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership is required to post. TC members are automatically subscribed; the public may view archives, also mirrored by MarkLogic at MarkMail.org.
tosca-comment: a public mail list for providing input to the OASIS TOSCA TC members. Send a comment or view archives, also mirrored by MarkLogic at MarkMail.org.
- OASIS Awards 2017 Open Standards Cup to TOSCA for Cloud Portability and to CSAF for Cybersecurity Disclosure; 2017 August 14
Although not produced by the OASIS TOSCA TC, the Open DataCenter Alliance also conducted a proof-of-concept based on TOSCA v1.0. See the press release of January 8, 2014 with links for more information.
Providing Feedback: OASIS welcomes feedback on its technical activities from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work.