AMQP Request-Response Messaging with Link Pairing v1.0 and Message Annotations for Response Routing v1.0 approved as Committee Specifications
Two AMQP specifications now ready for testing and implementation
OASIS is pleased to announce that AMQP Request-Response Messaging with Link Pairing Version 1.0 and Message Annotations for Response Routing Version 1.0 from the OASIS Advanced Message Queuing Protocol AMQP TC [1] have been approved as OASIS Committee Specifications.
AMQP is a vendor-neutral, platform-agnostic protocol for passing real-time data streams and business transactions. The goal of AMQP is to ensure information is safely and efficiently transported between applications, among organizations, across distributed cloud computing environments, and within mobile infrastructures by enabling a commoditized, multi-vendor ecosystem.
About AMQP Request-Response Messaging with Link Pairing:
AMQP defines links as unidirectional transport for messages between a source and a target. A common messaging pattern is that of “request-response”, that is, two parties partaking in a bidirectional conversation using messages. This document defines a common pattern for pairing two unidirectional links to create a bidirectional message transport between two endpoints.
About Message Annotations for Response Routing:
Large scale messaging networks may consist of multiple distinct sub-networks where addresses visible at one point in the network are not visible at other points. Where messages are transferred across network boundaries, addresses contained within the message (such as those in the reply-to field) may no longer be valid. This document defines mechanisms to allow messages which transit such boundaries to be annotated with sufficient information to allow responses to be directed back to the intended recipient.
These Committee Specifications are OASIS deliverables, completed and approved by the TC and fully ready for testing and implementation.
The specifications and related files are available here:
AMQP Request-Response Messaging with Link Pairing Version 1.0
Committee Specification 01
16 February 2021
Editable source (Authoritative):
ZIP (complete package of the prose specification and related files):
Message Annotations for Response Routing Version 1.0
Committee Specification 01
16 February 2021
Editable source (Authoritative):
ZIP (complete package of the prose specification and related files):
Members of the AMQP TC [1] approved these specifications by Special Majority Vote. The specifications had been released for public review as required by the TC Process [2]. The votes to approve as Committee Specifications passed [3], and the documents are now available online in the OASIS Library as referenced above.
Our congratulations to the TC on achieving this milestone and our thanks to the reviewers who provided feedback on the specification drafts to help improve the quality of the work.
Additional references
[1] Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) TC
[2] Public reviews:
Timeline for “linkpair”:
30-day public review of “respann”:
– started 08 May 2020 and ended 06 June 2020:
Comment resolution logs:
[3] Approval ballots: