OData TC meeting #80 Thursday Sep 04, 2014

Acting chair: Ram

Chat transcript from room: odatatc
2014-09-04 0800-0905 PDT

1. Roll call

1.1 Members present

        Edmond Bourne (BlackBerry)
        Hubert Heijkers (IBM)
        John Willson (Individual)
        Mark Biamonte (Progress Software)
        Martin Zurmuehl (SAP AG)
        Michael Pizzo (Microsoft) a.k.a. Mike
        Ralf Handl (SAP AG)
        Ram Jeyaraman (Microsoft)
        Stefan Drees (Individual)
        Susan Malaika (IBM)
        Ted Jones (Red Hat)

Quorum achieved. Details cf. normative attendance sheet for this meeting.

Notes taken by John and subsequently edited for readability by Stefan.

2. Approve agenda

Agenda approved as published.

3. Approve minutes from previous meeting(s)

3.1 Minutes from July 24, 2014 TC meeting:

Meeting minutes from from July 24, 2014 TC meeting#79

Minutes approved unchanged as published

4. Review action items

URL=Action item list at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php

4.1 Action items due by September 04, 2014


5. Approve OData v4 and OData JSON Format v4 Errata Draft 01 as an Approved Errata

Ram reminds all, that after having published an errata draft, a subsequent errata document may only be published after 6 months.

5.1 OData v4 Errata Draft 01

Mike: I move that the TC approve OData v4.0 Errata Draft 01 contained in https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/odata/201408/msg00013.html as an Approved Errata and make it available with OData v4.0 OASIS Standard.

Martin seconds.

No discussion, no objections, motion passed, unanimous consent

5.2 OData JSON Format v4 Errata Draft 01

Mike: I move that the TC approve OData v4.0 JSON Format Errata Draft 01 contained in https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/odata/201408/msg00015.html as an Approved Errata and make it available with OData JSON Format v4.0 OASIS Standard.

Hubert seconds

No discussion, no objections, motion passed, unanimous consent

6. Submitting OData v4 for international standardization

6.1 Let's discuss next steps as documented in the TC timeline

Current revision of timeline at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/52831/TC%20Timeline%207.htm".

All discuss the current timeline/roadmap.

6.2 DRAFT submission request

Word document of submission request draft at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/53050/Submission%20request%20for%20international%20standardization.docx

6.2.1 Discussion

6.3 Approval to start a Special Majority Ballot to approve submitting OData v4 and OData JSON Format v4 for international standardization

Hubert: I move that the Chair request the TC admin to start a Special Majority Ballot to approve submitting the request (https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/53050/Submission%20request%20for%20international%20standardization.docx) to the OASIS Board president to advance OData v4.0 and OData JSON Format v4.0 OASIS Standards incorporating OASIS Approved Errata to an International Standard via ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 per the OASIS Liaison Policy (https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/liaison).

Mark seconds

No discussion, no objections, motion passed, unanimous consent

7. OData v4.1, Data Aggregation, Security

7.1 Let's discuss our plans for advancing those documents and next steps


8. Next meeting

Thursday Sept 18, 2014 8-10am PT?

9. AOB


Meeting adjourned at 09:05 PDT