OData TC meeting #130 Thursday May 12, 2016

Acting chair: Ram

Chat transcript from room: odatatc
2016-05-12 0800-1000 PDT

1. Roll call

1.1 Members present

        Gerald Krause (SAP SE)
        Ken Baclawski (Northeastern University)
        Martin Zurmuehl (SAP SE)
        Matthew Borges (SAP SE) a.k.a. Matt
        Michael Pizzo (Microsoft) a.k.a. Mike
        Ralf Handl (SAP SE)
        Ram Jeyaraman (Microsoft)
        Ramesh Reddy (Red Hat)
        Stefan Hagen (Individual)
        Susan Malaika (IBM)

Quorum achieved. Details cf. normative attendance sheet for this meeting (event_id=41462).

Notes taken by all and subsequently edited for readability by Stefan.

2. Approve agenda

Agenda approved unchanged as published.

3. Approve minutes from previous meeting(s)

3.1 Minutes from April 21, 2016 TC meeting #128


Minutes approved unchanged as published

4. Review action items

4.1 Action items due May 19, 2016

4.1.1 AI#0032 - "Overview presentation on HTTP/2 features"

Ram: Martin gave a presentation on HTTP/2 today

Ram: Action 32 is closed.

4.2 Action items due March 31, 2016

4.2.1 AI#0035 - "Identify the right open source license for the OASIS Open Source repositories for vocabularies and libraries"

Ram: Ongoing. Update - Ram will send out an approval package (for next meeting). AI#0035 still OPEN.

5. Review of HTTP/2 features by Martin Zurmuehl

Presentation given.

6. V4.0 Errata 3

6.1 V4.0 Errata 3 - Issues to be resolved

6.1.1 ODATA-936 - CSDL errata02 11.1.3 Type Definition Facets references nonexistent standard vocabulary

Mike: I move we resolve ODATA-936 as proposed. Martin seconds.

Ram: ODATA-936 has been resolved as proposed, no objections

6.1.2 ODATA-934 - Clarify invoking an action with no parameters

Ram: ODATA-934 is open

Mike: I move we resolve ODATA-934 as proposed. Martin seconds.

Ram: ODATA-934 has been resolved as proposed, no objections

6.2 V4.0 Errata 3 - Issues resolved during public review

6.2.1 ODATA-932 - Typo in example 44: missing T in duration literal

6.2.2 ODATA-931 - Typo in Example 32: An entity container aggregates entity sets, singletons, action imports, and function imports. [see minutes]

6.2.3 ODATA-930 - Ensure that errata03 vocabularies have explicit Nullable facet for collection-typed properties [see minutes]

7. V4.01 issues - Issues for V4.01_WD01 in New or Open state

Mike: I have opened ODATA-938 to track handling in 4.01

7.1 OData protocol

7.1.1 ODATA-928 - Allow client to use OData-SchemaVersion header to indicate the metadata version it is using

[9:04] Ram (Microsoft): ODATA-928: Allow client to use OData-SchemaVersion header to indicate the metadata version it is using

Matt: I move to resolve OData-928 as proposed. Mike seconds.

Ram: ODATA-928 has been resolved as proposed, no objections

7.1.2 ODATA-812 - Allow omitting namespaces for unambiguous functions/actions

Mike: I move we (re-)resolve ODATA-812, with the following additional comment added to the proposal:
-make sure that docs are clear that services must not require clients to understand custom annotations, but OData annotations may imply semantics that a client reporting support for that version of the specification would need to understand in order to work correctly with the service. Martin seconds.

Ram: ODATA-812 has been resolved as proposed, no objections

7.1.3 ODATA-846 - Add version 4.01

Ram: We will review the proposed resolutions and likely resolve this issue just before CSD01 approval in June

7.1.4 ODATA-920 - Specify overflow for int data types

Martin: Values of types Edm.Byte, Edm.SByte, Edm.Int16, Edm.Int32, Edm.Int64, Edm.Single, Edm.Double, and Edm.Decimal are represented as JSON numbers, except for NaN, INF, and INF which are represented as strings.

Mike: Working proposal:

1) Add a new annotation, "odata.numericValueException", with valid values "INF", "-INF" and "NaN".
2) Services don't return the property, just the property annotation specifying the value exception:
3) Could be applied to any numeric type.
4) For 4.01 clients, always return this for single/double, instead of as property values.

Martin: I move we resolve ODATA-920 as proposed. Mike seconds.

Ram: ODATA-920 has been resolved as proposed, no objections

7.2 Decimal

7.2.1 ODATA-747 - Allow IEEE 754 constants [-]INF and NaN also for Edm.Decimal and integer types

Gerald: I move to close ODATA-747 as resolved by ODATA-920. Matt seconds.

Ram: ODATA-747 has been closed, no objections

8. Next meeting

8.1 Next Meeting Thursday May 19, 2016 0800-1000 PDT


9. AOB and wrap up


Meeting adjourned by chair.