Ballot Details: Approve Production Planning and Scheduling Version 1.0 as a Committee Specification (CLOSED)

Ballot Question Do members of the Production Planning and Scheduling approve Production Planning and Scheduling (PPS) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 01 [1] as a Committee Specification?
Ballot Description This ballot requires a Special Majority Vote [2]. The TC roster currently lists 9 voting members. In order to pass, at least 6 members have to vote Yes and no more than 3 members may vote No.

[1] URI for the HTML version for the specification

Ballot Options
VOTING CLOSED: Thursday, 29 September 2011 @ 11:59 pm ET
Yes 8 100
No 0 0
Abstain 0
Open Date Thursday, 22 September 2011 @ 12:00 am ET
Close Date Thursday, 29 September 2011 @ 11:59 pm ET

Voting Statistics

Number of votes cast (excluding abstentions) 8
Eligible members who have voted 8 of 9 88 8/9%
Eligible members who have not voted 1 of 9 11 1/9%

Voting Summary by Option

Options with highest number of votes are bold
Option # Votes % of Total
Yes 8 100%
No 0 0%
Abstain 0

Voting Details

Voter Name Company Vote * Time (GMT) Comments
* Banba, Yuto PSLX consortium Yes 2011-09-22 16:35:00
* Kato, Junzo PSLX consortium Yes 2011-09-26 07:41:00
* Kawauchi, Akihiro Individual Yes 2011-09-23 00:52:00
* Komatsu, Shoei PSLX consortium Yes 2011-09-25 02:46:00
* Machida, Hiroaki PSLX consortium Yes 2011-09-26 00:18:00
* Nishioka, Yasuyuki PSLX consortium Yes 2011-09-22 23:14:00
* Sato, Tomoichi Individual Yes 2011-09-26 07:40:00
* Wada, Koichi PSLX consortium Yes 2011-09-26 15:05:00
* Tomohiko, Maeda Fujitsu Limited --