The original Call For Participation for this TC may be found at
The charter for this TC is as follows.
OASIS Production Planning and Scheduling (PPS) TC.
Statement of Purpose
In the current manufacturing environment, shop floor management should be collaborated with enterprise management in order to stay current with the customer needs that cannot be expected and frequently changed. Considering this situation, production planning software in the enterprise level and production scheduling software in the shop floor level are required to be integrated.
The purpose of the OASIS Production Planning and Scheduling TC is to develop common object models and corresponding XML schemas for production planning and scheduling software, which can communicate with each other in order to establish collaborative planning and scheduling on intra and/or inter enterprises in manufacturing industries.
The goal of the TC is to make a simple and extensible specification for real time communications among various software applications that need information relative to production planning or production scheduling.
Using the common object models, decision support systems of production planning and scheduling in manufacturers can be implemented, reducing huge efforts of developing interfaces to other software applications that deal with dynamic information necessary for production planning and scheduling.
The common object models include business execution messages for collaborative planning and scheduling, components used for representing the business execution messages, and rules for production planning and scheduling software in responding the business execution messages.
Scope of Work
This TC will focus on production planning and production scheduling problems in manufacturing industries. Categories of manufacturers and types of manufacturing processes are not restricted. In our scope, the production planning and scheduling problems include:
1) master production schedule (in finished product level),
2) detail production schedule (in operation level),
3) material requirement planning,
4) capacity requirement planning,
5) production order management, and
6) loading and dispatching in a shop floor.
In order to establish collaborative planning and scheduling in practice, the TC also deals with appropriate information that is managed by surrounding software applications such as customer order management, procurement, inventory control, product and process design, quality control, and so on.
The followings are out of our scope:
1) machine control and execution,
2) product models regarding specific functions,
3) algorithms or logic of planning and scheduling
4) EDI format used in particular B2B environment, and
5) messaging services and security issues applicable in general.
In the messages used among the production planning and scheduling applications, the following information will be basic elements and used to compose the message:
1) production orders for manufacturing execution
2) production items such as final products, parts and materials,
3) manufacturing resources such as machines, labors, and tools,
4) operations and events that produce some items, etc.
Therefore, one of our main targets to make a specification is to define core components for this problems domain and translate them to a XML schema representation.
The other target is addressed on specifications of interfaces that an application may obtain regarding its functional requirement. In our approach, interfaces will be simply listed according the following categories:
1) getting or query information,
2) setting information,
3) executing an action, etc.
These interface specifications are described as web services, and reactions required in a target application are defined using business process specification languages, both of which are discussed in other OASIS TCs.
As a starting point, specifications published by PSLX consortium will be discussed as one possible contribution to the standardization process. The specifications of PSLX contain wide variety of information about planning and scheduling in manufacturing industries. Nevertheless, of the PSLX specifications this TC will deal only with "PSLX-04, XML specification for PSLX" which prescribes how to represent the production planning and scheduling information by XML, and how to implement the interfaces on computers.
List of Deliverables
An OASIS Committee Draft, which prescribes specifications of web service implementation for production planning and scheduling applications, will be completed by September 2004. The draft is expected to contain the following information:
1) outlines of target applications of production planning and scheduling problems,
2) a list of the business execution messages for production planning and scheduling,
3) rules for an application in responding the business execution messages, and
4) XML schemas used for each business execution message.
Anticipated Audience
The work of the TC will be used by system integrators and software vendors focusing on production planning and scheduling problems in manufacturing industries.
The TC will conduct its business in Japanese.