OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) Technical Committee

The original Call For Participation for this TC may be found at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200802/msg00004.html

  1. Name of the TC

    OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) Technical Committee

    CORE - Continuity, Outreach, Readiness, Enhancements

  2. Statement of Purpose

    The ebXML Core TC is to be the maintenance group for ebXML TC specifications as these specifications are completed or transitioned to the ebXML Core TC. TCs eligible for maintenance by the ebXML Core TC are ebXML Messaging, ebXML CPPA, ebXML ebBP, ebXML IIC, and ebXML RegRep. The ebXML Core TC will provide the means to manage clarifications, modifications, and enhancements for the specifications that ebXML TCs have either completed and/or turned over as work in progress for completion through the OASIS standards process. The ebXML Core TC may issue errata for specifications that they maintain and may complete reviews and changes required by editor's on committee drafts received by the TC for completion.

    The ebXML Core TC may form subcommittees to provide focus for specific specification tasks as they arise. The ebXML Core TC may lead the formation of charters for new ebXML TCs for major new versions of specifications. The TC may also produce new conformance profiles and adjunct documents complementing existing specifications. The ebXML Core TC will solicit new end user requirements as well as implementation enhancements and change requests. The TC will also explore synergies with UN/CEFACT, WS-* specifications and SOA best practices. The ebXML Core TC may update schemas, examples, specifications and other products of ebXML TC activities. The ebXML Core TC will also provide information services for the ebXML.xml.org site and for OASIS Webinars and other informational activities.

  3. Scope of Work

    The ebXML Core TC is to be the maintenance group for ebXML TC specifications as these specifications are completed or transitioned to the ebXML Core TC. TCs eligible for maintenance by the ebXML Core TC are ebXML Messaging, ebXML CPPA, ebXML ebBP, ebXML IIC, and ebXML RegRep.

    Explicitly Out-of-scope:

    The ebXML Core TC will not accept work unrelated to the maintenance and enhancement of the ebXML specifications or related documents.

  4. Deliverables

    At the time of formation of the ebXML Core TC, the following work items are anticipated:

    1. ebXML CPPA version 3 drafts for committee and public reviews, modifications, and for marshalling through the OASIS standardization process. A transition of the ebCPPA TC is expected to be approved upon formation of the ebXML Core TC. Projected completion date: July 2009.
    2. ebXML IIC drafts and working documents will be maintained in a to be decided manner upon being made available from the ebXML IIC TC. These documents contain material for facilitating adoption of existing ebXML standards, such as test suites and deployment profiles. Projected completion date: July 2009.
    3. ebXML ebBP maintenance may result in either errata, a new minor version, or a charter for a new major version when change requests based on implementation experience, new use cases for the models, or requests for enhancements has reached critical thresholds. The precise course of action will depend upon uptake by implementers and users of the current version 2 specification. The ebXML ebBP TC will consider its transition after the formation of the ebXML Core TC. Projected completion date: July 2009.
    4. ebXML ebMS version 3 conformance profiles in addition to those completed by the current ebXML ebMS TC may be produced following the transition of the ebMS TC to the Core TC. Projected completion date: July 2009.
    5. ebXML RegRep is continuing major version work on its own, but is eligible to transition to maintenance within the Core TC for errata and further enhancements after formation of the ebXML Core TC.
    6. Profiles and adjunct documents that complement and enhance existing specifications.

    The TC will remain open until its deliverables are completed.

  5. IPR Mode under which the TC will operate

    Royalty-Free on Limited Terms

  6. Audience or users of the work

    The TC is open to any OASIS member with an interest in enhancing ebXML specifications and supporting materials used by implementers of or participants in collaborative business processes.

  7. Language in which the TC shall conduct business
