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Award of contract to vendor for Flash Demo (2)

A contract for the creation of a Flash Demo for EKMI needs to awarded. We have 2 vendors who are bidding for this award. Unfortunately, in the last analysis I presented for the previous ballot, I forgot to mention that one of the vendors had done some early prototype work on the EKMI concept, on their own initiative. I have included the URL of this demo in the new analysis. Please review the analysis and vote on the vendor of your choice.

 [ ]  Ruh Design
 [ ]  57 Design
 [ ]  Abstain
Opening:   Tuesday, 2 December 2008 @ 01:00 pm EST
Closing:   Tuesday, 9 December 2008 @ 01:00 pm EST
Group:   OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) TC
Ballot has closed.

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Voting Details

Voting Summary

Options with highest number of votes are bold

Option # Votes % of Total
Ruh Design 2 33%
57 Design 4 67%
Abstain 1
Eligible members who have voted: 6 of 10 60%
Eligible members who have abstained: 1 of 10 10%
Eligible members who have not voted: 3 of 10 30%