Do you approve the Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) Version 1.0 Working Draft 5 [1] as a Committee Specification with Non-Material Changes as described below?
I move that the OASIS Business Document TC issue Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 1.0 Working Draft 05 and its associated XML artifacts packaged together in the BDXR archive at [1] as Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 02 and further direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator to accomplish that issuance as soon as practicable. Preconditioned the approval of Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 02 by the TC, I move to approve the Chair requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 02 as a Committee Specification 02. I further move that the TC affirm that changes have been made since the last public review, that the changes made are documented in the Revision History located in the Appendix D of the specification [1] and that the TC judges these changes to be Non-Material in accordance with the definition in the OASIS TC Process [2].
This ballot requires a Special Majority Vote [3]. Membership voting status is determined by [4] and [5].