In September we completed our public review of oBIX. Two comments where received and their suggestions where incorporated. The technical committee felt that these where editorial in nature and non-substantative. A revised committee draft was issued and we held a meeting to decide if we should have a vote for making this a "Committee Standard". The results from this meeting where affirmative - however since we did not have a quorum a the meeting we need to conduct this poll. Note: YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS POLL IS CRUCIAL!! PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO VOTE! Without a quorum of voting members we can not proceed to the next step which is a formal committee vote on approving this as a CS.
Question: Should the oBIX TC approve (a) granting Committee Draft status to specification version 1.0-pr01-rev02 at; (b) the conclusion that the two public review comments incorporated into that draft are not "Substantive Changes"
as defined by the OASIS TC Process, and (c) submission of this draft for a Committee Specification vote?"