Do you approve OASIS waive requirements and submit the Reference Model for SOA 1.0 OASIS Standard to SC38 of ISO/IEC JTC1 as a PAS submission?
Do members of the TC approve requesting OASIS waive its public interoperability demonstration requirements and submit "Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture 1.0," OASIS Standard approved 12 October 2006 [1] to SC38 of ISO/IEC JTC1 as a PAS submission?
In its resolution approving the request for this Special Majority Vote, the SOA-RM TC deemed that submission requirement 1(c) in the OASIS Liaison Policy ( regarding a public interoperability demonstration requirement is inapplicable as the Reference Model is an abstract model and as such cannot create parsable markup or executable artifacts that could be demonstrated. Accordingly, if this ballot passes, the Chair will request OASIS staff waive the requirement or deem it satisfied by the statements of use submitted at the time of its OASIS Standard ballot, which note its abstract nature and its use in system design, rather than technical implementations.
This ballot requires a Special Majority Vote [2]. The TC roster currently lists 5 voting members. In order to pass, at least 4 members have to vote Yes and no more than 1 members may vote No.
[1] URI for the OASIS Standard