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Work |
Entity Management
OASIS Technical Resolution 9401:1997
(Amendment 2 to TR 9401)
Paul Grosso, Chair,
Entity Management Subcommittee
Copyright ©1994, 1995, 1997
Permission to reproduce parts or all of this
information in any form is granted to OASIS members
provided that this information by itself is not
sold for profit and that OASIS is credited as
the author of this information.
1997 September 10
Revision History
Revision Technical Resolution 9401:1994
1994 August 9
Final Technical Resolution
Revision Technical Resolution 9401:1995
(Amendment 1)
1995 September 8
Final Technical Resolution
Revision Technical Resolution 9401:1997
(Amendment 2)
1997 September 10
Final Technical Resolution
Two different but related issues pertaining to
entity management impede interoperability of SGML
that of interpreting external identifiers
in entity declarations so that an SGML document
can be processed by different vendors' tools
on a single computer system, and
that of moving SGML documents to different
computers in a way that preserves the association
of external identifiers in entity declarations
with the correct files or other storage
While there are many important issues involved
and a complete solution is beyond the current
scope, the OASIS membership agrees upon the enclosed
set of conventions to address a useful subset
of the complete problem. To address issue A, this
resolution defines an entity catalog that maps
an entity's external identifier and/or name to
a file name, URL, or other storage object identifier.
To address issue B, this resolution defines a
simple interchange packaging scheme using an interchange
catalog to associate a public identifier with
each interchanged file.
In order to use a variety of SGML tools in a variety
of computer environments, there are two different
but related problems to solve:
that of interpreting external identifiers
in entity declarations so that an SGML document
can be processed by different vendors' tools
on a single computer system, and
that of moving SGML documents to different
computers in a way that preserves the association
of external identifiers in entity declarations
with the correct files or other storage objects.
There are many important issues involved and a
complete solution possibly including work within
the standards community is beyond the current scope.
However, the OASIS membership agrees at this time
upon a set of conventions that addresses a useful
subset of the complete problem.
The short term solution for issue A defines an
entity catalog that handles the simple cases of
mapping an external entity's public identifier and/or
entity name to a file name, URL, or other storage
object identifier. This solution allows for a probably
system-dependent (at least in the case of file names)
but application-independent catalog. Though it does
not handle all issues that a combination of a complete
entity manager and storage manager addresses, it
simplifies use of multiple products in a great majority
of cases and can in some cases (e.g., with URLs)
provide internet-wide, system-independent resolution
of public identifiers.
While there are various interchange strategies
already defined including the SGML Document Interchange
Format (SDIF) defined in ISO 9069 none are currently
widely used or supported by enough readily accessible
implementations. This resolution addresses issue
B by defining a simple interchange packaging scheme
using an interchange catalog to associate a public
identifier with each interchanged file.
To address the issue of multiple vendors' applications
on a given system, this resolution defines a format
for a probably system-dependent but application-independent
entity catalog that maps external identifiers and/or
entity names to file names. This catalog is used
by an application's entity manager. This resolution
does not dictate when an entity manager should access
this catalog; for example, an application may attempt
other mapping algorithms before or (if the catalog
fails to produce a successful mapping) after accessing
this catalog. The catalog has a standard format.
Each application that uses it must provide the user
with a mechanism for specifying how and when the
catalog is to be accessed.
For the purposes of this resolution, the term catalog
refers to the logical "mapping" information that
may be physically contained in one or more catalog
entry files. The catalog, therefore, is effectively
an ordered list of (one or more) catalog entry files.
It is up to the application to determine the ordered
list of catalog entry files to be used as the logical
catalog. (This resolution uses the term "catalog
entry file" to refer to one component of a logical
catalog even though a catalog entry file can be
any kind of storage object or entity including but
not limited to a table in a database, some object
referenced by a URL, or some dynamically generated
set of catalog entries.)
Each entry in the catalog associates a "Formal
System Identifier" (FSI) with information about
the external entity that appears in the SGML document.
Formal System Identifiers (FSIs) are defined as
part of the SGML General Facilities, currently part
of the Technical Corrigendum to the HyTime standard
ISO/IEC 10744. "Storage object identifiers" (such
as file names) are a simple subset of all FSIs.
("Storage object identifier" is frequently abbreviated
"s.o.i." below.) Valid FSIs include unpathed, relative,
and absolute file names and URLs as well as FSIs
with explicit storage managers (as defined in the
SGML General Facilities). Most of the examples in
this resolution will show s.o.i.s, but this resolution
allows FSIs as the right hand side of most catalog
entries. For example, the following are possible
catalog entries that associate a public identifier
with an s.o.i.:
PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN" "iso-lat1.gml"
PUBLIC "-//USA/AAP//DTD BK-1//EN" "aapbook.dtd"
PUBLIC "-//ACME//DTD Report//EN" ""
In addition to entries that associate public identifiers,
a catalog entry can associate an entity name with
an s.o.i. (or other FSI):
ENTITY "chips" "graphics\chips.tif"
Both types of entries can occur in a single catalog:
PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN" "iso-lat1.gml"
PUBLIC "-//ACME//DTD Report//EN" ""
ENTITY "graph1" "graphics\graph1.cgm"
The name field in an ENTITY type catalog entry
gives the "entity name" as specified in the entity
declaration of an entity whose entity text is specified
by an external entity specification. [In an external
entity declaration, the "entity text" is the part
that locates via an external identifier the entity's
replacement text see clause 4.127 of the SGML standard.
The term "replacement text" refers to the material
that is to replace an entity reference see clause
4.266 irrespective of the entity's type (e.g., SGML,
CDATA, NDATA).] Note that, if the entity name is
a parameter entity name (as opposed to a general
entity name), an initial percent sign (%), is part
of the name. (The percent sign which is the reference
concrete syntax replacement for the "PERO" character
shall be used in the catalog regardless of the concrete
syntax of the current document.) It should be noted
that ENTITY type catalog entries will not match
the reference to the external subset in a DOCTYPE
or LINKTYPE declaration. The complete set of catalog
entry types defined by this Resolution are: PUBLIC,
and BASE.
Furthermore, to provide for possible future extensions
or other uses of this catalog, its format allows
for "other information" indicated by a
"keyword " other than one of those defined
by this Resolution that is irrelevant to and ignored
by this resolution.
The formal syntax for a catalog entry file is:
catalog = ps*, (catalog entry, (ps+, catalog entry)*, ps*)?
catalog entry = extended external identifier entry | no identifier entry |
other information
other information = keyword, ps+, (symbol | non-symbol token | literal),
(ps+, (non-symbol token | literal))*
extended external identifier entry =
(publicid keyword, ps+, public identifier, ps+, FSI specification) |
(name keyword, ps+, entity name spec, ps+, FSI specification) |
(noname keyword, ps+, FSI specification) |
("SYSTEM", ps+, system identifier, ps+, FSI specification) |
("DELEGATE", ps+, partial public identifier, ps+, FSI specification)
no identifier entry = "OVERRIDE", ps+, ("YES" | "NO")
partial public identifier = minimum literal
publicid keyword = "PUBLIC" | "DTDDECL"
name keyword = "ENTITY" | "DOCTYPE" | "LINKTYPE" | "NOTATION"
noname keyword = "SGMLDECL" | "DOCUMENT" | "BASE" | "CATALOG"
entity name spec = (symbol | non-symbol token | literal)
FSI specification = (symbol | non-symbol token | literal)
keyword = symbol
symbol = restricted system character+
non-symbol token = restricted system character*, special system character,
(restricted system character | special system character)*
literal =
(LIT, system character+, LIT) |
(LITA, system character+, LITA)
ps = s | comment
comment = COM, system character*, COM
special system character = "/" | "\" | "." | "<" | ">"
LIT = '"' -- the double quote --
LITA = "'" -- the single quote --
COM = "--"
public identifier, system identifier , minimum
literal, and s are as defined in 8879 (and
RS, RE, SPACE and SEPCHAR are as in the reference
concrete syntax of 8879);
system character means (a) in the case of
a delimited literal, any character except
the "null" character and the delimiting character
for that literal (i.e., LIT or LITA); (b)
in the case of a comment, any character except
the "null" character and a sequence of characters
that would be interpreted as the terminating
COM delimiter.
restricted system character means any character
except the "null" character, the LIT character,
the LITA character, those characters allowed
in s, and any of the characters "\/.<>".
Additional requirements:
Recognition of the keywords must be case-insensitive.
Recognition of keyword and unquoted argument,
entity name spec, and FSI specification tokens
with respect to the COM delimiter shall be
as defined in 8879. Briefly, the string "--"
is recognized as the start of a comment if
and only if this string constitutes the first
two (or only) characters of a token and is
always recognized as the end of a comment;
however, see 8879 for the authoritative discussion.
Any argument other than the first that is
part of other information and that would lexically
be a valid keyword must be quoted. (This implies
that, following an unrecognized keyword and
its required initial [or only] argument, the
first unquoted token that would be a lexically
valid keyword shall in fact be interpreted
as the next keyword.)
Limits on the length of any string of system
characters must not preclude strings of any
reasonable length; at a minimum, lengths up
to 1024 must be supported.
This resolution does not formally place restrictions
on the form of the FSIs in the catalog. It
is the responsibility of the catalog creator
and the end user to ensure compatibility among
the catalog, the tools that will read the
catalog, and the environment in which the
catalog is used. In the interest of interoperability,
this resolution does dictate that any storage
object identifier that consists solely of
alphanumeric characters, hyphen, period, and
underscore must be treated as a file name
(these are the characters in the POSIX portable
file name character set).
If a storage object identifier specifies
a relative path name, the path is relative
to the location of the catalog entry file
itself (unless a previous occurrence of a
BASE entry has occurred in this catalog entry
file, in which case the path specified by
the s.o.i. is relative to the path given on
the BASE entry).
This resolution only requires applications to handle
storage object identifiers that specify file names.
(Whether the s.o.i. can contain, for example, environment
variables or special characters that are expected
to be expanded further before resolving to a file
name is not prescribed by this Resolution.) Applications
may in addition recognize other types of storage
object identifiers and Formal System Identifiers,
as long as a storage object identifier that does
not include characters other than letters, digits,
hyphen, period, and underscore continues to be treated
as a file name. Therefore, to avoid possible interpretation
as something other than a file name, it is recommended
(but not required) that file names be restricted
to the characters just mentioned.
An entry in the catalog is interpreted as follows:
The PUBLIC keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the replacement
text for an entity with the specified public
The ENTITY keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the replacement
text for an entity with the entity name specified
by the entity name spec.
The NOTATION keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier for a notation with the
notation name specified by the entity name
spec. This resolution does not address the
form of the storage object identifier associated
to a notation's external identifier or how
an application makes use of it. Other resolutions
or conventions outside the scope of this resolution
may address such issues.
The SYSTEM keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the replacement
text for an entity whose external identifier's
system identifier is explicitly specified
by the system identifier.
The DOCTYPE keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the replacement
text (to be used as the external subset) for
a doctype declaration whose document type
name is specified by the entity name spec.
Note that a document type declaration that
omits the optional external identifier (that
points to the external subset) indicates the
absence of an external subset; in this case,
there is no entity reference to resolve, and
no catalog lookup is performed.
The LINKTYPE keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the replacement
text (to be used as the external subset) for
a linktype declaration whose link type name
is specified by the entity name spec. Note
that a link type declaration that omits the
optional external identifier (that points
to the external subset) indicates the absence
of an external subset; in this case, there
is no entity reference to resolve, and no
catalog lookup is performed.
The SGMLDECL keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the replacement
text to be used as the SGML declaration.
The DTDDECL keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the replacement
text to be used as the SGML declaration. Note
that the public identifier in a DTDDECL entry
is meant to match a public identifier given
as part of the doctype declaration to reference
the external subset.
The DOCUMENT keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate the entity in
which parsing begins.
The DELEGATE keyword indicates that external
identifiers with a public identifier that
has partial public identifier as a prefix
should be resolved using a catalog is specified
by the associated storage object identifier.
The CATALOG keyword indicates that an entity
manager should use the associated storage
object identifier to locate an additional
catalog entry file to be processed after the
current catalog entry file.
The OVERRIDE keyword specifies whether to
use the "prefer system id" mode or not for
the search strategy (see below for more discussion).
The BASE keyword specifies that relative
storage object identifiers in the right hand
side of entries following this entry in the
current catalog entry file should be resolved
relative to the storage object identifier
of this BASE entry.
The declaration of every external entity includes
an entity name. (For the purposes of this discussion
and the table below, we consider the term "entity
name" to encompass also the doctype name from the
document type declaration and the link type name
from the link type declaration.) It may, in addition,
associate a public identifier and/or a system identifier
with the external entity.
When doing a catalog lookup, an entity manager
generally uses whatever is available from among
the entity declaration's system identifier, public
identifier, and entity name to find catalog entries
that match the given information. A match in one
catalog entry file will take precedence over any
match in a later catalog entry file (and, in fact,
the entity manager need not process subsequent catalog
entry files once a match has occurred). A more specific
matching entry in one catalog entry file will take
priority over a less specific matching entry in
the same catalog entry file. For this purpose, the
order of specificity of match (most specific first)
SYSTEM type entries;
PUBLIC type entries;
DELEGATE entries ordered by the length of
the prefix, longest first;
Within any given category of equal specificity,
matches maintain the order of their entries in the
catalog entry file so that the first such match
will take priority.
Generally, when a system identifier is specified
in an external entity declaration, it can be trusted
to be a valid s.o.i. However, in some circumstances
(such as when the document was generated on another
system, when the document was generated in another
location on the same system, or when some files
referenced by system identifiers have had their
locations changed since the document was generated),
the specified system identifiers may not be valid.
For this or other reasons, preferring the public
identifier or entity name over the system identifier
may be the preferred way of accessing the entity.
Therefore, this resolution defines two modes for
using the above search strategy when an external
identifier has an explicit system identifier. (Furthermore,
a SYSTEM catalog entry can be used to map an explicit
system identifier given in an external entity declaration
into any s.o.i; a matching SYSTEM type entry would
take precedence over a PUBLIC type entry regardless
of the search mode strategy.) The two search modes
If system identifiers are preferred and there
is no matching SYSTEM type entry, then the
system identifier is used as the s.o.i. regardless
of the entity name and any public identifier.
This resolution does not specify what happens
if a preferred system identifier does not
identify an accessible storage object; an
application may look up the public identifier
and/or entity name to find another s.o.i.,
or it may simply report an error. An application
should at least have the option of issuing
a warning if the system identifier fails in
this mode.
If public identifiers and entity names are
preferred and there is no matching SYSTEM
type entry, the system identifier is used
as the s.o.i. only if no mapping can be found
in the catalog entry file for either the public
identifier (if a public identifier was specified)
or for the entity name.
An application must provide some way (e.g., a runtime
argument, environment variable, preference switch)
that allows the user to specify which of these modes
to use in the absence of any occurrences of an OVERRIDE
catalog entry.
The OVERRIDE catalog entry type can be used within
any catalog entry file to indicate for any set of
catalog entries whether they should be able to be
used in matches that may override an explicit system
identifier. Each occurrence of an OVERRIDE entry
specifies the search strategy mode for subsequent
entries up to the next OVERRIDE entry or the end
of the current catalog entry file. A PUBLIC, DELEGATE,
when OVERRIDE is "YES" (corresponding to the mode
where public identifiers and entity names are preferred)
will be considered for possible matching whether
or not the external identifier has an explicit system
LINKTYPE or NOTATION entry encountered when OVERRIDE
is "NO" (corresponding to the mode where system
identifiers are preferred) will be ignored during
lookups for which the external identifier has an
explicit system identifier. No other entry types
are affected by the OVERRIDE catalog entry. The
initial search strategy in force at the beginning
of each catalog entry file depends on the preference
as determined by the application (possibly under
user control).
When attempting matches for DELEGATE type catalog
entries, the entity's public identifier is compared
to the partial public identifier of the DELEGATE
catalog entry looking for partial public identifiers
that are initial substring matches of the entity's
public identifier. If this catalog entry file produces
any such matches, the right hand side of all such
matching entries are used, in order from longest
partial public identifier match to shortest, to
generate a new complete logical catalog (i.e., a
newly specified list of catalog entry files) that
replaces the current catalog.
The catalog lookup process for this entity continues
with this new (replacement) catalog, ignoring for
the purposes of this entity any other entries in
the current catalog entry file as well as any subsequent
catalog entry files that may have been part of the
previous list of catalog entry files. This newly
defined catalog is then processed in much the same
manner as if it had been the originally specified
catalog; however, only the entity's public identifier
is considered as the information available for lookup its
entity name and system identifier (if any) are not
available during lookup in any "delegated to" catalog.
Lookup for subsequent public identifiers is unaffected
by this process; that is, the effect of this replacement
catalog holds only for the lookup of the current
entity's public identifier.
The CATALOG entry can be used to insert new catalog
entry files into the current list of catalog entry
files. The storage object identifier on a CATALOG
entry is used to locate another catalog entry file
that is processed after the current catalog entry
file if the current catalog entry file does not
provide a match. Multiple CATALOG entries are allowed,
and the referenced catalog entry files will be inserted
into the current catalog list in order. Note that
the effect of any CATALOG entry would occur only
after all other entries in this catalog entry file
have been considered.
Since this resolution pertains to public identifiers,
it addresses one additional detail about public
identifiers. ISO 8879 is inconsistent about the
use of hyphens and colons in ISO owner identifiers.
Clause of 8879:1986 (unamended) has a
note indicating that the ISO owner identifier
for the SGML standard is ISO 8879 1986. Production
[171] of clause 13 indicates that the minimum
literal in the SGML declaration must be ISO 8879
1986. While Amendment 1 of 8879 does not alter
clause, it does alter production [171]
of clause 13 to say that the minimum literal in
the SGML declaration should be "ISO 8879:1986".
This has lead to the propagation of both the dash
and the colon in ISO owner identifiers. In the
interests of interoperability, this OASIS resolution
requires that all products accept either form
as a valid ISO owner identifier. Note, however,
that this should not be construed to mean that
a public identifier using one form should necessarily
cause a catalog lookup match to succeed with a
public identifier using the other form; while
this resolution requires SGML systems to accept
either form as valid, in practice, two entries
(differing only by the single ":" or character)
may be needed in the catalog if both forms should
refer to the same storage object identifier.
The SGML standard allows for an SGML declaration
to be included explicitly in a document or to
be implied by the processing system. This Resolution
defines two ways to specify the implied SGML declaration:
the SGMLDECL catalog entry type and the DTDDECL
catalog entry type. Note that, in the DTDDECL
method, the implied SGML declaration depends on
information in the remainder of the document.
Since the SGML declaration must be processed before
a parser can interpret the prolog and document
instance set, an implementation may choose to
determine the SGML declaration with a preprocessor
that scans the document for the relevant information.
In any case, once it has been determined whether
an explicit SGML declaration is present and, if
not, how to locate the implied SGML declaration,
parsing begins at the start of the document.
In many situations, the appropriate SGML declaration
can be inferred from the "DTD" in use. This is
especially common in the case that the external
subset referenced in the doctype declaration is
a publicly distributed entity. Therefore, this
Resolution adds the capability to associate an
SGML declaration with a "DTD" referenced by a
PUBLIC identifier. In particular, if there is
no explicit SGML declaration and the doctype declaration
uses a PUBLIC identifier to reference the external
subset (commonly known as "the DTD"), then the
catalog will be searched for a DTDDECL entry whose
public identifier field matches the public identifier
of the external subset, and the associated s.o.i.
will be used to locate the default SGML declaration
to be used.
If there is no explicit SGML declaration and
no DTDDECL entry was applicable, then the catalog
will be searched for the first SGMLDECL entry,
and its s.o.i. will be used to locate the default
SGML declaration to be used. The use of an SGMLDECL
catalog entry, in fact, is the preferred method
of indicating the SGML declaration when an SGML
declaration is part of a transfer package but
is not transmitted as the initial part of the
document entity itself.
The issue of interchanging a set of files among
different systems can be partially addressed by
an interchange packaging scheme that includes an
interchange catalog that associates external identifiers
with the various files in the interchange package.
This resolution, which assumes the catalog format
defined above, describes such a scheme.
This resolution does not support the use of explicitly
specified system identifiers; that is, an external
entity's declaration may specify a public identifier
or it may use the SYSTEM keyword with no system
identifier (in which case the entity's name will
be used to do a catalog lookup for a matching catalog
entry indicated by the ENTITY keyword). This resolution
assumes a transmission medium that allows for the
interchange of names for the various files in the
interchange package.
The actual transmission medium and details of writing
and reading the interchange package are irrelevant.
This resolution assumes that there exists a single
location (e.g., directory) on the receiving system
that already contains the set of interchanged files.
(The generation of such an interchange package by
the sending system is not explicitly discussed,
but it is assumed that this discussion about receiving
and interpreting an interchange package will make
clear what is necessary to do on the sending system.)
In this resolution, the phrase "interchange package"
refers to this set of files in this location and
"interchange directory" refers to this location.
An interchange package must have at least one file
that shall function as the interchange package's
catalog. This catalog entry file must have a mapping
for all files in the interchange package. That is,
for each file in the interchange package (other
than this catalog file), there must be a catalog
entry whose s.o.i. identifies the file.
To determine what file in the interchange package
shall be used as the catalog, an application shall
use the following algorithm (or functional equivalent):
If the document entity's s.o.i. is somehow
known to the application, the application
should first look for a storage object whose
s.o.i. is docname.soc where "docname" is the
"base name" of the document entity's s.o.i.
An s.o.i.'s base name is determined as follows:
within the s.o.i., locate the last
(rightmost) character that is either
"/" or "\" if any;
within the string to the right of this
character (or within the entire s.o.i.
if there are no occurrences of either
the "/" or "\" character),
locate the last (rightmost) "."
character (called the dot, period, or
full stop character) if any;
the string consisting of all characters
in the s.o.i. up to but not including
this "." character (or the
entire s.o.i. if the previous step found
no "." character) shall be
the s.o.i.'s base name.
(The base name determination algorithm is
optimized for URLs and certain common file
naming schemes; however, on all operating
systems, this algorithm may fail to be useful
unless appropriate naming conventions are
If the docname.soc s.o.i. names a relative
(as opposed to absolute) location, it shall
be resolved into an absolute location using
the same process used to resolve the document
entity's relative s.o.i. into an absolute
one. (This resolution does not specify how
the application may know the document entity's
file name prior to reading the catalog. It
may be given to the application via a command
line option or a via a user dialog. Note,
of course, that the DOCUMENT entry in the
catalog cannot be used to determine the document
entity's file name for the purposes of determining
the catalog's file name.)
Then, look for a file whose name is catalog.
Finally, look for a file whose name is catalog.soc.
In the second step above, if the letter case of
file names is significant for the operating system
involved, then first the name catalog in all lower
case and then the name CATALOG in all upper case
will be tried (and no mixed case combinations are
tried). Throughout the entire algorithm, as soon
as a readable file is found, that file is used and
no further names are tried.
Ordinarily, the catalog should include a single
entry of the DOCUMENT type whose s.o.i. identifies
the file in the interchange package that is the
document entity in which parsing begins, if any
such entity exists in this interchange package.
(Some interchange packages may not include such
an entity, for example, if the interchanged files
are a set of entity declaration files.) Although
it does not prohibit such interchange, this resolution
does not make explicit allowance for including multiple
documents in a single interchange. To ensure maximum
portability, each interchange package should consist
of at most one document. (Since this resolution
does not address details of actual transmissions,
it does not prohibit multiple interchange packages
within a single transmission.)
Provided that the interchange package's catalog
has an unambiguous entry for each file named in
the interchange package, an interchange package
is valid even if the receiver must modify the s.o.i.s
in his/her copy of the catalog so that they are
valid on the receiving system. However, when the
sending and receiving systems have compatible naming
schemes, files in the destination location may be
given the same names as they had on the sending
system. This possibility is more likely because
relative paths in s.o.i.s are relative to the catalog
file and therefore relative to the top level of
the interchange directory. If the receiving system
is unknown or incompatible with the sending system,
the sender may wish to construct an interchange
package with names that are most likely to be valid
on the widest variety of systems. (For example,
an interchange package with file names of no more
than eight alphanumeric characters and therefore
no directory hierarchy should be maximally portable.
However, this resolution does not impose any such
restrictions since, in practice, it will often be
known what the receiving system can handle, and
it will be preferable to take advantage of its capabilities.)